Rio Celeste Nature

Who we are?

Hello, my name is Johser, I am a native of Río Celeste, which is in the Tenorio Volcano National Park, I have been working as a certified naturalist guide for 12 years. I am very passionate about my work and 9 years ago I decided to start my own company and offer guided walks through the national park and areas of interest that only a local native knows where to look.

Always with my feet on the ground, step by step, I have been able to offer more services and activities in the area, with quality security equipment, following security standards, and receiving continuous security training.

You can be sure that your vacation in Costa Rica will be in the best hands. Let us show you the beautiful wildlife of this enchanting area that is much more than just a blue river.

Come and get to know the famous hospitality of the “Ticos” and our way of life: Pura Vida!

We comply with all state regulations, we have insurance policies on all our trips and we are certified guides by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT)

Zulay, my companion in life and adventures, always giving me support at all stages of the journey.